Looking for a voice? I have one of those.

Hi. I’m Trace. I speak into a microphone for a living.

I believe every person and every organization has a story to tell, whether that story is about delivering quality health care, helping people simplify their finances, teaching pilots to fly airplanes, or launching the next game-changing product. 

If you’re looking for a natural, empathetic, and sincere voice to bring your story to life, I can help.

VO Demos

Have a listen to my demos and see if I might be a good fit for your project. Need a custom audition? Shoot me a message.

These guys trust me. You should too.

I’ve been honored to work with some fantastic organizations. Let’s see about adding you to the list.

Let’s Chat

I’d love to know more about your project. Complete the form below or email me at trace@tracecongervoice.com and let’s connect.